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  • Tara Purgaric

Editing Photos Like a Pro: A Guide to Basic Photo Retouching

Photo retouching is an essential skill for any photographer or visual artist. It allows you to enhance your images, correct flaws, and bring your creative vision to life. While advanced retouching can be complex, mastering the basics is within reach for anyone willing to learn. Here’s a guide to basic photo retouching that will help you edit your photos like a pro.

A man's before and after photo retouching

Photo Retouching Tips for Beginners

  1. Start with Global Adjustments

Before diving into detailed retouching, it’s important to make global adjustments to your image. This involves tweaking the overall exposure, contrast, and color balance. Most photo editing software, like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom, offers easy-to-use sliders for these adjustments. Begin by setting the right exposure to ensure your image isn’t too dark or too bright. Then, adjust the contrast to add depth, and finally, correct the white balance to achieve the desired color tone.

  1. Use the Healing Brush for Blemishes

One of the most common retouching tasks is removing blemishes or unwanted spots from a portrait. The Healing Brush tool in Photoshop is perfect for this. Simply select the tool, choose a brush size slightly larger than the blemish, and click on the area you want to correct. The Healing Brush blends the selected area with the surrounding pixels, creating a seamless fix. This tool is great for removing acne, dust spots, or any small imperfections.

  1. Dodge and Burn to Enhance Features

Dodging and burning is a technique used to selectively lighten (dodge) or darken (burn) areas of an image. This technique can be used to enhance facial features, create more depth, or draw attention to certain parts of the photo. In Photoshop, you can use the Dodge and Burn tools directly or create a new layer and apply the effect using brushes with varying opacity. For example, you can dodge the highlights on a subject’s face to make them pop, or burn the shadows to add depth.

  1. Smooth Skin with Frequency Separation

For more advanced retouching, frequency separation is a technique that allows you to smooth skin without losing texture. This method involves separating the image into high and low frequencies: the low frequency contains the color and tone information, while the high frequency holds the fine details, like skin texture. By working on these layers separately, you can smooth out skin imperfections on the low-frequency layer while preserving texture on the high-frequency layer. This technique requires some practice but yields professional results.

  1. Enhance Eyes and Lips for Portraits

Eyes are often the focal point of a portrait, so enhancing them can make a significant difference. Use the Dodge tool to brighten the whites of the eyes and the catchlights (the reflections in the eyes). You can also increase the sharpness of the eyes slightly to make them stand out more. For lips, you can enhance their color and shape by using a soft brush with a low opacity to add subtle color or definition.

  1. Sharpen the Final Image

Once you’re satisfied with your retouching, the final step is to sharpen the image. Sharpening enhances the fine details and gives your photo a crisp, polished look. Be careful not to over-sharpen, as this can introduce unwanted artifacts. In Photoshop, you can use the Unsharp Mask filter or the Smart Sharpen tool to achieve the desired level of sharpness.

  1. Save and Export with the Right Settings

After completing your retouching, save your work in a high-quality format, such as TIFF or PSD, to preserve the edits. When exporting for web or print, choose the appropriate resolution and file type. For web use, JPEG is common, but be sure to optimize the file size to balance quality and loading speed.

With these photo retouching tips, you can significantly enhance your photos and bring out the best in your images. As you continue to practice and refine your skills, you’ll develop your own retouching style that reflects your creative vision.



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